IPS Service Delivery Models

A single rigid service model used by other outsourcing service providers cannot meet your exact business outsourcing needs. We have developed three different service delivery models. These models are further customised to meet your complex outsourcing needs – Flexibility

These comprehensive but easy to understand models make outsourcing easy. Each model covers the entire outsourcing process – the scope definition, offshore delivery centre sourcing, financial analysis, contracting, pricing, negotiating, and project management.

At International Parallel Sourcing, we create value for our customers at each stage of our service delivery models. This outsourcing process enables us to ensure the smooth transition and continuity of the outsourced project.

We help you establish the right outsourcing strategy, devise a plan to implement the strategy, and de-risk the plan to ensure outsourcing success.



Proven Outsourcing Solutions for Your Business

IPS offers you a full range of outsourcing services. We are not a traditional outsourcing supplier, which is what makes us different and unique. Our multiple service delivery models approach makes it easier than ever to explore, integrate, and optimise outsourcing in your business.

Staff Leasing

In this model, you run and manage your own project. Your virtual staff is recruited and facilitated by International Parallel Sourcing, but of course you direct everything they do

Virtual Captive

In this high control model, you retain a greater level of control over your business, while transferring to International Parallel Sourcing a portion of operational and financial risk.

Fully Managed Solutions

This model provides you complete peace of mind as the entire project is managed and run by International Parallel Sourcing (providing end-to-end solutions for your project).