Total Data Security, Confidentiality, Intellectual Property Protection, and Operational Backup
IPS Australia and its Global Delivery Centres pay utmost importance to data security, confidentiality, intellectual property protection, and operational backup requirements of its clients.
Our Global Delivery Centres are capable of providing you a high security environment and data security that meets the most rigorous standards of leading global security-conscious organisations such as financial services companies.
A Customised “Data Security, Confidentiality, Intellectual Property Protection, and Operational Backup Plan” is finalised during the analysing phase of our outsourcing model to make sure all your security concerns are covered. The plan defines intended processes, procedures, systems, infrastructures, technologies, tools, applications, software, standards, contracts, and undertakings to protect your Data, Confidentiality, Intellectual Property, and Operational Backup.
Your Customised Security Plan:
Physically Secured Offices
- Security gates
- Armed guards
- You can place your own security officers at your offshore office. Upon request, IPS can help you recruit your own security officers (through third party)
- Security cameras
- Bio-metric, RFID & Photo ID detection systems (or other systems) for secure entry & exit to prevent entry or exit of unauthorised persons
- Segregation of secured and common areas. Separate swipe cards for each area
- Emergency plan – staff training on emergency procedures, smoking alarms, fire extinguishers … and supplier’s alternative office
Staff Training
Intellectual Property
All assets and information provided by you, and all work created by Offshore Delivery Centres whilst working on your tasks are exclusively the property of yourself.
Clear Intellectual Property statements specifically:
- Everything you supply is your IP
- Everything you created is your IP
The employees, administrators and professionals working on your project sign intellectual property protection, confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements at the onset of the project.
ISO Standards
Strict Global Delivery Centre and staff screening – A large number of our Global Delivery Centres comply with ISO 27001 Standards (IT Security Policy).
IPS Cloud
The IPS Cloud provides total control of your project. Thus, greater Data Security, Confidentiality, Intellectual Property Protection, and Operational Backup.
Stringent Administrative Procedures
- Clear Desk, Clear Screen Policy
- Bags, mobiles phones, camera, laptops, PDAs or any electronic gadgets are not to be allowed into the operation floor. Staff members are provided with their personal lockers outside the operating floor
- Random checks of employees and systems
- All email sent and received by employees are to be read by senior management. You can also request direct access to your employees’ emails
- Limited print permissions – Only few designated staff members are permitted to print. Staff members are not allowed to bring in or take out any paper, printout or written documents without any permission
- Limited staff access to database – Only few designated staff members are permitted to draw data from the database
- The process is divided and designated amongst different staff members, and each staff receives information only in relation to the task he/she is performing. Furthermore, our employees can be located in different areas, typically do not know each other, and do not have the ability to communicate or exchange information
- Asset Management – Users register, user password management, and return asset policy
- Once the data and documents have been used they are destroyed
Systems & Technologies
- Secure and managed Internet connectivity and optional locked VPN only access via your network. Meaning a high tech security environment already in place in an Australian business can be extended to include workstations in remote locations
- Thin Client Mode – All work is done on the central servers. Nothing ever leaves central servers. Images, data and all processing stay on a secure, firewalled central server. The server can be based locally or offshore
- A secure web site, FTP and/or custom software can be used to transfer data
- Data Leak Detection & Prevention (DLDP) systems designed to detect and then prevent any potential breaches. These systems protect your data from being acquired by anyone other than people you’ve specifically assigned that information to (including locked down USB ports)
- Firewalls
- Antivirus software
- Data encryption
- DISASTER RECOVERY: Hot Back-up. In practice, if the server that is running a software process crashes, another server on the network can instantly take over without loss of any information
Your In-house Management Team on the Ground
Our “Virtual Captive Model” allows you to place your in-house management team at our offshore delivery centre. Your in-house management team can implement your “Security, Confidentiality, Intellectual Property Protection, and Operational Backup Plan”.
Third-Party Auditors
Regular security audits can be carried out using internal or third-party security auditors (onshore or offshore auditors). If required, IPS can help you seek third-party auditors.
IPS Support System
IPS’ well-built support system provides access to IPS services and resources otherwise not available to you.
For Example – Acquiring resources from other delivery centres.
Please click on IPS Support System for more information.